The Ringling College of Art and Design has the number one animation program in the United States. ringling.edu/Computer-Animation
Sarasota Sister Cities proposes that the Ringling College of Art and Design consider developing a series of animations and books
that would be aimed at children and their parents.
The animation would have the following purposes:
1. Be Entertaining.
2. Teach Children About “Green” Sustainability.
3. Promote the Ringling College of Art and Design.
4. Promote Sustainable Tourism in Sarasota, Manatee, and Florida.
Plot and Characters
The plot and characters are of course up to the students who do the creative work. The scenes could be set on the Ringling Campus, bringing in the many sculptures and buildings on and near the campus. The bayfront, beach and natural areas would also be excellent settings.
Ringling the Dillo the Armadillo The
“little armored one” would meet and greet various characters that would reflect the partner organizations. He is a clever, quirky, artistic little guy. Markets ringling.edu; The Ringling Museum ringling.org

Sarasota Snowbird
The American White Ibis, always hungry, clever, busy, a wise guy always causing trouble. Comes south to Florida and Ringling for the winter. A character emphasising tourism to Sarasota - Visit Sarasota visitsarasota.com; The City of Sarasota sarasotafl.gov; Audubon sarasotaaudubon.org; manateeaudubon.org

Mana Tee the Manatee, the Sea Cow, wise,
peaceful, slow, friendly, concerned about clean water. Tourism in Manatee County mymanatee.org/departments/convention___visitors_bureau

Greenie the Gator or Alli Gator is an Alligator from Florida and a scary guy. He swims around very slowly. He is sleepy but be careful around him. He bites. The State of Florida enterpriseflorida.com: https://www.visitflorida.com/

Panther the Florida Panther is the State Animal of Florida. She is a very large kittykat and spends most of her time hiding. Don't get too close. The State of Florida enterpriseflorida.com; https://www.visitflorida.com/; Big Cat Habitat bigcathabitat.org

Green Sea Turtle on Ascension
Tommy the Green Sea Turtle. Slow moving, sleepy, lazy, wise. Pals with Mana Tee
Potential financial partners for this effort could help finance the project, post the animations on their websites and sell the books in their bookstores. Scenes and locations could reflect the partnership organizations settings.
Visit Sarasota visitsarasota.com
Manatee County mymanatee.org
The Patterson Foundation thepattersonfoundation.org
The City of Sarasota sarasotafl.gov
Sarasota County scgov.net
Manatee County mymanatee.org
Bradenton cityofbradenton.com
The State of Florida enterpriseflorida.com
Big Cat Habitat bigcathabitat.org
Mote Marine mote.org
Audubon sarasotaaudubon.org; manateeaudubon.org
Jungle Gardens sarasotajunglegardens.com
The Ringling Museum ringling.org
Selby Gardens selby.org

Sarasota Sister Cities has eight Sister Cities around the world. More about us at: sarasotasistercities.org
Craig Hullinger is the Vice President of Economic Development for Sarasota Sister Cities. More about SSC Economic Development at:
Craig Hullinger
941 312 1032